Wednesday, October 20, 2010

"Lessons In Leadership: Fifty Respected Evangelical Leaders Share Their Wisdom About Ministry" ed. Randal Roberts

Current President of Western Seminary Randal Roberts gathered 50 of the "Who's Who?" of Evangelical Christianity in 1999 for "Lessons on Leadership: Fifty Respected Evangelical Leaders Share Their Wisdom About Ministry" a compilation of wit and wisdom. I was assigned this book by Dr. Matthew Lea for a class called "Discovering and Developing Your Ministry Potential" - yes, a long class title, but an important class nonetheless.

Among the contributors to "Lessons In Leadership" were former Western Seminary presidents Earl Radmacher & Bert Downs, alongside other notables like Walt Kaiser, Moishe Rosen [founder of Jews for Jesus] , Bill Bright [founder of Campus Crusade for Christ], Carl Henry, Gerry Breshears, and Luis Palau.

Of particular interest was the late Moishe Rosen's chapter entitled "Learning That There Is No Such Thing as a Comfortable Cross". On p. 259 he writes: "...spiritual stamina only comes from abiding in Christ and His abiding in us. True cross bearing is not merely enduring the pain and unpleasantness. It is the way to enter into the resurrection joy that all believers can have, even while they are just enduring."

As a student and staff member of Western Seminary, I am particularly thankful for the leadership of Randal Roberts, especially as we strive to live out our seminary's motto of "Gospel-Centered Transformation".

Just wondering: Which 50 leaders might you ask to contribute to a book like this in the year 2010?

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